binder cover
edited in Adobe Photoshop with pre-existing images.
contact card
to be used for my thesis, a fictional film. edited in Adobe Photoshop with pre-existing images.
digital design
digital design
digital design
digital design
actual film material
actual film material
actual film material
actual film material
useful documents
different documents either for my curriculum or my hobby
currículum vitae
currículum vitae
currículum vitae
currículum vitae
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
idol photocard wishilist
brand identity
for my own brand, for hair styling. made a basic color palette and a template for Instagram Stories. this is just a first approach, it can be developed further.
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